Dr. Gross has transformed our music program at WVCS. Her passion for music and teaching establish a melodious learning environment in her classroom! During this online learning phase of our school year, Dr. Gross will bring the music classroom to your home.
To enter the virtual music classroom for your grade level, go to Google Classroom and click on the plus sign + in the top right corner to join a class. Enter the code below for your grade level and enjoy the many talents of Dr. Kelsey Gross!
Google Classroom
Codes to Join
Kindergarten d63g3zq
First Grade 5neetxq
Second Grade fcdwezb
Third Grade ylkihkm
Fourth Grade f2z5evr
Fifth Grade unfaiby
Middle School axmiava
Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. ~ Psalm 100 : 1-2